It’s a huge passion that living in a foreign country for me…

In last January, I had an exam for Erasmus programme in my university and after the results I’ve started searching an internship programmes immediately in the Europe, especially in the Spain.

My decision would be effect extremely on my life experiments so I should have made my decision carefully and finally I’ve made my decision ‘’LUGO’’. I’ve known that maybe anything would be easy but the most important thing is that start to try something by yourself.

I can introduce myself ;

My name is Şule and I’m from Turkey, Eskisehir that is a really cute city and it has 3 universities so these universities have affected me all my life and my personality development has taken form extremely on education. I’m studied at Anadolu University and my department is also economy  . However I don’t want to study about only Turkish economy, I believe that my education life should continue in other countries, with other languages, cultures, people and different economies. Now I have chance achieve for these passions and I’m here in Lugo.

Lugo is a really cute and small city, life is easy, everything is cheap, local people are really helpful and always smile, it really makes me feel energetic and happy. When I came in Lugo, there is an important festival that name is ARDELUCUS at the first weekend, I was very lucky, it was really huge,amazing organisation about Roman Empire cultures and it was very impressive for me. These types of cultural things create permanent effects on my experiments so anymore I acquire a new passion that is joining all festivals and cultural events because it is instructive

My three months in Lugo contribute to my Spanish and English intensely, of course especially Spanish because in Lugo everybody speaks local language, Galician and Spanish so I have chance to hear Spanish words and your brain adapted to Spanish automatically. I don’t have chance for this in my country.

It’s necessary to mention about Lugo and also called Lucus Augusti in Latin. Lugo is in the Galicia region of the Spain, Galicia is in north side  of the Portugal border, west side of the Spain. Population of the Lugo is approximately a hundred thousand people. After that Lugo has a special privilege that is surrounded all city by the intact Roman Walls.

I found a company that is called ASOCIACIÓN DE XOVENES EMPRENDEDORES LUCENSES (Axel) in this city, Lugo, I contacted with the company and now I’m in Lugo and in this company. An undisputed thing is that this internship will be very beneficial for my career, I believe this extremely. Finding a qualified job is really difficult for graduated students in the growing and globalizing world, you have to be faster than growing speed of the world. Population of the world also increase rapidly day by day and you are in competiton with a lot of people and you should have some special, different features.

Now I’m expecting better days in here I believe myself and  to life..

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